Saturday, January 04, 2014

History Repeats Itself... This is NOT Diversity & Inclusion

It's always so interesting to me.. how people of color have been represented in the press through advertising and reporting.. it is no wonder that "negative" impressions are so deeply embedded in the minds of Americans.  

To rationalize -- People will say:  Well that was their frame of mind in those days; they couldn't help it... everyone thought that way.   The Annual Mock Trial piece to the left comes from the University of Missouri Savitar Yearbook --...

So does this piece also from the Savitar -- see pages 114-117.

This last item -- a lament for the "Old Black Mammy" should speak for itself.  I wanted to keep the dateline and publication attached so the clip is a little big.

Advertising, an MU University Yearbook and an editorial column..... 

I just saw this the other day... reported on several websites -- but I first saw it on The Root -- they recounted a piece entitled: Conservative group calls to lynch Obama and make it a ‘national holiday’ from Raw
Obama lynching on Facebook

What do you think?  What has or hasn't changed?

Traci Wilson-Kleekamp

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