Learning, Unlearning, and
Re-Learning at almost 52!
“Advocating for new systems often requires demolishing the old way of doing things, and we hold back for fear of rocking the boat”
Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World, Adam Grant

New things I learned which took me by surprise
I discovered one of my ancestors was an entertainer in the late late 1800s, early 1900s--her husband appeared on stage in Black-face and they performed this dance.
Booker T. Washington’s venture into Togo, Africa with a cotton plantation. This history about was among the most difficult papers I read this semester; along the treatment of Colonized Africans and of mixed-race Afro-Germans. Of course, I learned a good deal more about the Nazi’s
- A German Alabama in Germany and an excerpt from Andrew Zimmerman’s book about Booker T. and his cotton plantation venture in Togo, Africa.
- Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World by Adam Grant (awesome)
- All Bound Up Together: The Woman Question in African American Public Culture 1830-1900 by Martha S. Jones. [Digital version is available via MU libraries]

- Strange Fruit: Why Both Sides are Wrong in the Race Debate: Kenan Malik
- A Breath of Freedom: The Civil Rights Struggle, African American GIs and Germany, by Maria Hohn and Martin Klimke
- Black Germany: THe Making and UnMaking of a Diaspora Community: 1884-1960 by Robbie Aitken and Eve Rosenhaft
- Germany and The Diaspora: Points of Contact, 1250-1914 by Mischa Honeck, Martin Klimke, and Anne Kuhlmann
- Destined to Witness: Growing Up in Black Nazi Germany, by Hans J. Massaquoi
- Mary Church Terrell: “The Picture of Health”: The Public Life and Private Ailments of Mary Church Terrell
- American to the backbone : the life of James W.C. Pennington, the fugitive slave who became one of the first black abolitionists / Christopher L. Webber (Excellent summary)
Borg’s book (Meeting Jesus Again...has fabulous end notes which lead me borrow from my pastor: In Memory of Her: A Feminist Theological Reconstruction of Christian Origins Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza and Dirt, Greed and Sex: Sexual Ethics in the New Testament and their Implications for Today by William L. Countryman.
Last Sunday 3.2.16 Bryan Stevenson was a MU guest at Jesse Hall and spoke of injustice in the criminal justice system (he is a death row attorney). His book Just Mercy is profound (please watch his TedTalk) -- and another book I really want to delve into is: Lloyd Gains and the Fight to End Segregation by James W. Endersby and William T. Horner.

Mr. Papson's wife has roots in Columbia, they will be in town this weekend. I did some cool genealogical research on their family over winter break on Alexander Campbell and Alexander Hicks. Check out Mr. Papson's CSPAN interview. I am excited to be a guest at my neighbor's DAR book club Christina Maring they will be discussing Woody Holton's book Abigail Adams.
Traci Wilson-Kleekamp
Practice Makes Perfect, but it doesn’t make new….Although America is a land of individuality and unique self-expression in search of excellence and in fear of failure...most of us opt to fit in rather than stand out.Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World, Adam Grant
This was my second time attending an event at this place, and was my first business event here (the other event was a charity show). Everything was perfect, the drinks and food was amazing. Even the coffee at venue NYC was wonderful.
Hi there! My name is Callie, Daughter of Ethel Price who is the daughter of Ruth Marie Diggs and George Price granddaughter to Arthur Diggs. I decided today at work that I would Google my mothers birth parents,grandparents and my birth-grandfather's death certificate came up, which lead me to your blog. Would you have time to possibly chat?
Traci, I corresponded some with you while I was living in Bremerton, WA and you were still in Calif. A lot has happened since then and within the last year or so I have found a fairly high DNA cousin. We know for sure that my ancestor Jesse Turner owned his ancestor Taylor Turner as Taylor is mentioned in Jesse's will. What we/I strongly suspect is that Jesse Turner was the father of Taylor and probably a number of the other slaves. Jesse Turner left Boone Co., MO in 1857 and moved to Collin Co. Texas in 1857 where he died in 1862. We have the will. The question is I and possibly my cousin will probably be coming to Columbia in the coming months. We are wondering if there is likely to be any info in the Courthouse there as Jesse left and died in Texas. If there might be documents, what kinds of things would I look for and where would I look. I have never done any slave research before. From reading your most recent blog it looks like you are extremely busy and so may not have any time to reply, but if you do I would like to hear your thoughts.
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